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Jake Harcoff


February 17, 2025

The top 3 keys to developing and keeping the 6-pack abs of your dreams.

Achieving the chiseled 6-pack abs that many people aspire to is a common fitness goal. However, it’s important to keep in mind that defined abs, like those often seen on the covers of fitness magazines, are influenced by a combination of factors. While it's possible to get close to your ideal abdominal look with the right strategy, genetics, muscle development, and body fat percentage all play significant roles in how visible and defined your abs will be.

Genetics is the starting point. Some individuals will naturally have a more distinct 6-pack or even an 8-pack, while others may only ever achieve a less defined look or a 4-pack. This is all due to how our muscles are shaped and how much fat we carry. However, don't be discouraged if you’re not genetically predisposed to a perfect 6-pack there are still ways to get the look you want. For those who may not develop a traditional 6-pack, building up the surrounding muscles like the obliques and transversus abdominis can help add definition to your midsection, even if the 6-pack itself isn’t as prominent.

In addition to genetics, the size of your abdominal muscles matters. You may already be lean enough, but if your rectus abdominis muscle (the one that makes up the bulk of your “6-pack”) isn’t developed enough, it won’t be visible no matter how low your body fat percentage is. For individuals who’ve lost weight or have more skin around the midsection, building up these muscles is especially crucial. As the muscle grows, it pushes the skin outward, making the definition more visible. It’s a combination of size and skin stretching that helps create the look of defined abs.

But perhaps the most important factor in getting visible abs is the level of body fat you have around your midsection. You can do crunches and sit-ups all day, but they won’t reveal those muscles if they’re covered by a layer of fat. The key to reducing this fat is proper nutrition. “Abs are made in the kitchen,” as the saying goes, meaning that to get the body you want, you’ll need to focus on maintaining a proper diet. This is where tracking your calorie intake and adjusting it to meet your goals comes in. A calorie deficit is necessary to reduce the fat covering your abs, and a calorie surplus may be required if you're working to build up the muscles.

At AIM Athletic in Langley, we understand that getting those abs takes more than just doing endless sit-ups. Whether you're working with a personal trainer in a one-on-one session, in our small group personal training program, or as part of an active rehabilitation program, we help you tailor your training to achieve your specific fitness goals. The most effective way to ensure you’re on track is to measure your progress. You need to know how many calories you're consuming and how much your body requires to lose fat or build muscle. Once you have this information, you can adjust your diet accordingly to meet your goal, whether that’s developing stronger abdominal muscles or shedding fat.

If you’ve been struggling to achieve the 6-pack abs you’ve been dreaming of, take some time to evaluate your current approach. Are you focusing on the right factors? Are you making the necessary adjustments to your training and diet? We’d love to help you fine-tune your plan. Reach out to us, and we’ll be happy to offer guidance and support to help you get those abs in shape!

You've got the info, now it's time to take AIM!

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